Let him lead you and give you a song
By Betsy Jane Mosley
As most of you know I have been given the gift of knowing a lot of songs. When Covid 19 first started it was around the time of my 75th birthday and I had told my kids I liked “Nobody but Jesus.” My daughter Jennifer sang it for me at my party on the 14th of March. It was a nice party, but many older friends didn’t come because of Covid.
Then for awhile my song was “Many Things About Tomorrow” I don’t seem to understand but I know who holds tomorrow and I know He holds my hand. That saw me through my time at my daughter’s. It was good to be with them, but I like my own bed and bath and I had a skin breakout.
The later part of May I came home and my song became, “The God on the Mountain” He’s still God in the valley when things go wrong He’ll make them right; and the God of the good times He’s still God in the bad times the God of the Day He’s still God in the night.
I sing these songs to remind myself that no matter how much I dislike this time in all our lives; God is still there and I can be negative and gripe and complain or I can look for His blessing.
I don’t like that my church isn’t open, but my daughter Jacque’s church in Mt Vernon is so I’ve been worshipping with some new brothers and sisters.
I listen to my daughter who now has a college senior and a 4th grader at home. She and her kids along with several others I know wish school could be back in session. My daughter works for Social Security from home so she has a steady income. My granddaughter who is a Kindergarten bilingual teacher wishes she could teach in person. She’s still got a job and was able to purchase her first home.
The end of June I had a heart attack and I now have a stent. I had a difficult week or two, but Jocie and Rosie came to help and I kept singing, When you don’t move the mountains, I’m needing You to move, when you don’t part the waters I wish I could walk through, when you don’t give the answers as I cry out to you, “I will trust,” I will trust, I will trust in you.
I say all this to say I don’t like Covid and I don’t like the negative impact its had and is having ,but I know The One who wins in the end and I can “Count My Blessing.” I got a lot of scrapbooks done that have needed to be done for years. I didn’t have the time before. While Jocie had to do most of the lifting my entire house has been gone through and I was able to bless other people with two car loads full of things. Because of this time other people have cleaned out and I was able to get donations of clothes and shoes to our church for distribution. I’ve gotten time to call more people and pray with them and I’ve had paramedics, a ferry worker, old friends, and my children bless me in numerous ways.
I would ask each of you to stop and think of what blessings you have received during this time and what is the song or songs you can sing because of this. Share this with each other and others that need to hear something positive.
Remember “In Shady Green Pastures” so rich and so sweet God leads His dear children along. Where the waters cool flow bathes the weary one’s feet God leads His dear children along. Some through the waters, some through the flood, some through the fire, but all through the blood; some through great sorrow, but God gives a song in the night seasons and all the day long.”
Even if you think you can’t sing; let Him lead you and give you a song.
Feel Beloved Community
Sing, Play,
Be Bold with Joy
By Betsy Jane Mosley
When I first started looking at our theme and the words in it, I looked at feel and thought “ well, that’s what we women do well,” then I thought of the many years of my life when I stuffed my feelings until all of a sudden I erupted like a volcano and the anger spewed forth. Oh yes, I felt, but I did not express my feelings well. I can imagine there are others who have gone through what I went through and have hopefully grown out of that stage.
I grew up in a Christian home and accepted Christ as my savior at age 19. However, he was not Lord of my life until in my late 30s and early 40s. I began having a deeper relationship with Him. Because of abuse outside my home, I became an angry person who tried to please others and turned to food for my comfort. My compulsive overeating lasted for almost 60 years.
Because God and I have been working on my anger issues for over 30 years, most people do not realize I ever had them. However, it is hard to miss the lingering effects of my overeating.
Although I am a recovering compulsive overeater I have to stay in recovery to do that I have to acknowledge what I feel , give it over to God and ask Him to remove my shortcomings and help me move on and grow and become all He wants me to be.
I would pray that each of you reading this has listened to God, is in a close relationship with Him and you are giving all your feelings to Him. One of my favorite songs says it best, “Fully Alive song” (words by Gloria Gaither), may each of you feel totally fully alive!