About Us
AB Women’s Ministries is a Christ-centered ministry with a commitment to encourage and empower women and girls to serve God.
Every American Baptist church shall have a vital women's ministry program that empowers women and girls to become and develop as God's person, build God's faith community, and serve God's world.
As servant leaders, we serve American Baptist churches by encouraging existing vital ministries with women and girls and empowering churches to build such ministries.
Core Values
Our ministry is based on certain non-negotiable values that form a foundation and criteria for all that we do.
We provide Christ-centered ministries.
We strive for excellence in all we do.
We practice faithful stewardship.
We are relevant for women today.
We assure that our diversity (clergy/lay, age, geographic, and racial/ethnic representation) as a denomination is represented in our ministries.
We affirm and encourage the use of spiritual gifts.
We recognize the worth of all women and girls.
We value our American Baptist family relationships.
Work to provide solutions for the social justice challenges and opportunities facing women and girls.